Welcome to the Team!
We are excited to work with you this summer and are praying for God to be preparing us all for His appointment furthering His Kingdom. We know God works through the adults at camp and camp isn't possible without adult volunteers.
If you haven't already, please e-mail us to let us know you want to help with camp.
Staff/Counselor Application
For those that have been part of our team at least one of the last three years (2019-2022), all you need to do is let us know you are coming by e-mailing us and register using CampDoc. All of the things you need to sign for have been incorporated into CampDoc. More information is lower down on this page.
For all others, please let us know you are interested in helping by e-mailing us. We will put you in contact with one of are amazing directors. Once we have confirmed, you can register in CampDoc.
What to expect as a counselor
What we expect from our counselors
Spend a week with 4-7 campers, getting to know them and helping them grow in their relationship with God and other campers.
Be responsible for your campers for the entire week: Sleep in the same room as them, know where they are at all times (but don’t need to be with them the entire time), be responsible for monitoring their physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Look for ways to encourage each of the kids during the week.
Be praying for your kids before, during and after camp.
Contact the directors with any questions, concerns, and comments.
Talk with the campers about the biblical lessons, answer questions and possibly lead devotions prepared by others. Talk with other adults about questions that you need help answering.
Be prepared to share the story of your relationship with Christ and be ready to lead a camper to a saving relationship with Christ.
Accompany the campers to the planned activities and participate as requested (as you are physically able).
Have a great time with your campers.
What our counselors should expect from FX Camps
God will be present and might just work on you as well.
You will be part of a team of other Christian counselors and staff. We have a staff meeting each day to go over the activities of the day, talk about concerns and pray together.
You will be supported by a team of three directors that have planned the week of camp and will be at camp to make sure the week runs smoothly.
You will be highly encouraged (required) to take one hour a day off for yourself. We have put the schedule together with this in mind.
You will have a large group of people praying over camp the entire week of camp.
This will most likely be one of the hardest but most rewarding weeks of your year.
We have found The Christian Camp Leader by Jim Badke to be an excellent book for first time counselors or even experienced counselors. It is an easy read packed with information. If you would like a copy, please e-mail us and we will send you one.
Important Documents
QRC Summer Rental Group Staff Manual
Week of Camp Schedule
Please feel free to join us Sunday evening before camp for some quiet time to prepare yourself for camp. Dinner is on your own. We have a prayer walk in the evening. We provide breakfast on Monday before training begins. Camp ends by 11 am on Saturday.
Training Information
The face-to-face training will be the Monday of camp:
July 10th, 2023 at 9am at Quaker Ridge Camp
Please watch this 4 min video to help you prepare and plan for camp before the training session in July.
ALL counselors and staff need to register using CampDoc, our online registration system
There is no cost for counselors and staff
Please complete the health profile on CampDoc by June 26th so we can be sure to get any allergy and meal request information to our kitchen staff
For more information about CampDocs, Click here
What to bring
Sleeping bag & pillow, clothing for warm days, cool nights & messy games, tennis shoes, modest swimwear, towels, sunscreen, Bible, toiletries, water bottle & camera (optional). Spending money for the canteen. Bring only prescription medication as over the counter medications are provided by Quaker Ridge medical personnel.
Click the PDF icon for a printable checklist
Electronics Policy
We believe camp should be an opportunity to connect with God and friends and believe unplugging from electronics can really help to accomplish this. However, we ask counselors and staff to keep their cell phones with them during camp. There is good cell phone reception on most of the camp property and we can use them to get ahold of you and you can get ahold of us. Please be respectful of the campers and use cell phones at a time they don’t see you using them. FX Camp/QRC is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
What not to bring
Tobacco products, alcohol, weapons, or fireworks.