Registration is done through CampDoc, our online registration system
Registrations are due by June 17th. After June 17th, there is a $50 late Registration Fee.
Please complete the health profile on CampDoc by June 24th so we can be sure to get any allergy and meal request information to our kitchen staff
A physical is required for camp. Please be sure to complete the health profile on CampDoc before seeing your doctor so you get the right forms signed.
For more information about CampDocs, Click here.
Payment Information
Payments can be made electronically through CampDoc or mailed to:
Karen Burgi , c/o Denver Friends Church, 4575 Eliot St A, Denver, CO 80211
Cost is $455/ returning camper, $355/ First time camper
(use NEWCAMPER2024 coupon code in CampDoc)
Church payments - please mail the church check to the address above and include a spreadsheet or note that lists the name and amount for each camper
Donation to a specific camper - If you wish to pay a portion or all of the cost for a specific camper, please e-mail us to let us know and send the check with the camper name to the address above
Arrival and Departure
Check-in is on Monday, July 8th from 3 pm - 4:30pm
If you are 100% complete in CampDoc, your registration time will be much shorter
Signs will direct you to the Registration desk in the Chapel where you will meet your counselor and be directed to your cabin group
Camper pick-up will be between 9:30 am and 10:30 am Saturday, July 13th
Please make sure all campers are picked up by 10:30 am
Directions to Quaker Ridge Camp
From 1-25, take Hwy 24 to Woodland Park. Turn North on Hwy 67 and drive 5.5 miles to the camp sign on the right. We are 2 miles east up a dirt road.
The address for mail is:
FX Camp, <Camper Name>
C/0 Quaker Ridge camp
30150 N. Hwy 67, Woodland Park, CO 80863
What to bring
Sleeping bag & pillow, clothing for warm days, cool nights & messy games, tennis shoes, modest swimwear, towels, sunscreen, Bible, toiletries, water bottle & camera (optional). Spending money for the canteen (no more than $25). Send only prescription medication as over the counter medications are provided by Quaker Ridge medical personnel.
Click the PDF icon for a printable checklist
Electronics Policy
We believe camp should be an opportunity to connect with God and friends and believe unplugging from electronics can really help to accomplish this. However, we understand the realities of electronics and don’t ban them. You would just bring them anyway if we did. Electronic devices can be confiscated if they are used in any manner that is distracting to the activities at Camp. We also suggest that electronics are left in the rooms so they are not lost or damaged. FX Camp/QRC is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Clark Lodge

QRC sign when coming from the south

Sign and Mailbox at QRC turnoff
What not to bring
Tobacco products, alcohol, weapons, or fireworks.