What's coming up?
FX Camp 2024 (July 8th - 13th, 2024)
Camp Committee is hard at work preparing for our next camp. Our theme is Journey.
Kaleo Academy (currently accepting applications)
Kaleo Academy is a National Friends Youth Training for students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year of high school in the fall of 2020 and is sponsored by Barclay College. The Academy is a 10 month program which includes: a week long Theology Camp on the campus of Barclay College; a supervised Mentor Program to walk alongside the student and mentor from your local faith community; an Online Learning Community with students, mentors, and Friends teachers/leaders; and the Released Project directed towards 50 hours of student service learning. Click here for more information.
RMYM Summer Gathering And QRC 75th (May 31-June 2, 2024)
Get involved! Sure playing games and hanging out is great, but come and join us to learn the in's & out's of Quaker business so you can be a future leader!
Fellowship, Views, Worship. Summer Gathering May 31-June 2 at QRC. Lodging is on us.
QRC 75th Anniversary Celebration and Banquet Saturday, June 1 at QRC. We will remember God’s faithfulness, share memories, enjoy a special meal, cast vision for the next 75 years, and launch a Capital Campaign.
“Give 75”: Plan on making a gift of 75 to celebrate 75 years. 75₵, $75, $7575, etc. Have fun choosing your investment in QRC’s next 75 years!